This post is about a family-invited tour of ?Park Slope on Saturday, March 9th by the author, historian and ?Municipal Art Society guide Frances Morrone. Scroll to the end of the post for current Event Reminder Details.
PARK SLOPE ?has gotten to be a bit of a punch line among the ultra-hip who heap scorn on NYC?s very own (well-off) ?nappy valley? which has more than the average quotient of left wing PC-politics, vegans and $1000+ strollers.? But that disdainful?shorthand gives short shrift to many of the amazing?elements which have repeatedly made Park Slope NYC?s Number One-rated neighborhood (according to New York magazine in 2010), one of the ?Greatest Neighborhoods in America? according to the by the American
Planning Association (in 2007) and cited as?one of the country?s ten best neighborhoods by Natural Home magazine (2006). Starting in the early 1970?s this area (along with Brooklyn Heights) gave birth to and galvanized NY?s neighborhood preservation movement when, after a long period of decline brought about by suburbification and white flight, ?many young families recognized, once again, ?the inherent value of an urban neighborhood with historic and beautiful housing stock, bordered by a world-class park (described by Olmstead and Vaux as their ?jewel?) and great transportation access.
Their commitment and activism remain hallmark attributes to this day ? and led to the
creation of the famous Park Slope Food Coop which with over 16,000 members is one of the oldest and largest in the country.? ?It was also the unlikely setting several months ago for a heated community debate on Middle Eastern politics and whether the Coop should ban Israeli-produced food products.? Entourage star Adam Grenier is known to be a member along with many other local celebrities for whom work requirements are not waived.? No, not your average corner grocery store.
But the neighborhood?s initial heydey was in the late 1800?s when Brooklyn was still an independent municipality (city consolidation came in 1898) and? Park Slope was ranked the wealthiest American city in the 1890 census. ?Home to many of the nation?s most successful industrialists and merchants, this concentration of wealth led to the creation of the country?s largest Victorian neighborhood, the magnificent Prospect Park, and a wide range of landmarks and cultural institutions including, among others, Grand Army Plaza, the Brooklyn Museum, the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, the Prospect Park Zoo, the Brooklyn Public Library and the Montauk Club.? Time for a closer look, don?t you think?
Our steward for this neighborhood adventure is none other than architectural historian Francis Morrone, who wrote the book (literally) on New York?s neighborhoods for the Municipal Arts Society (with co-author?Matt Postal),?is the?author of?ten other books about New York City and is also an NYU professor.? Travel and Leisure magazine ranked Mr. Morrone as being one of?the thirteen best tour guides in the world.? In fact, part of the reason we chose Park Slope for our tour is because Mr. Morrone recommended it ? as a place whose history, architectural richness?and overall beauty are often overshadowed by its contemporary persona.
Details:? Saturday, March 9th at 2pm.? Tickets are $25. per person.? We will set up a Crowdtilt payment link which will be sent to all ?MWC members via? email.? Your?ticket purchase?is your reservation.? ?Capacity will be limited to 20 people; however, as this event is on a week-end, family members are invited.? We will cover a 15-20 block area ? make sure you wear comfortable, walking, shoes.??
REMINDERS / Questions:? If you would like to join us for the NO LONGER EMPTY / MWells Dinette trip mid-day on Thursday, February 21st please email us ( with ?MONEY? in the subject line and we will send meet-up details ??. ?the LUNCHTIME BOOK CLUB is meeting on Wednesday, February 20th and the selection is ONE FIFTH AVENUE by Candace Bushnell ? if you would like to attend please send us an email (as per above) with ?FEB BOOK LUNCH? in the subject line and we will get you the information? ?? There have been a number of requests?for another, second,?evening book club ? if that is of interest to you, please email us with??SECOND EVENING BOOK CLUB? in the subject line so we can?figure out?if there are enough people for this ??? Just so you know ? We are posting events on the website calendar and Events/ Activities page?sometimes in advance of posts so you can get a feel for what is coming up and block out time on your calendars ? go take a look !
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